Winner's delight at Chillish prize

Winner's delight at Chillish prize

Winner's delight at Chillish prize

Winner of the recent Chillish Competition in the County Times is Cairine Currie, from Rudgwick.

Cairine was presented with her prize of 12 jars of Chillish by Pollyanna Hutchinson in the run-up to Christmas.
Cairine said: "I am so excited. We all love chilli oil and to have the jars of Chillish here in time for Christmas was fantastic. Thank you Pollyanna."
Pollyanna, who is based at West Chiltington, is the founder of Pollyanna's kitchen and Chillish is produced in Chichester using an award winning locally sourced Extra Virgin Rapeseed Oil which makes it safe to use when cooking at high temperatures, such as barbecues or stir fry.
Chillish is described as the ultimate chilli condiment, combining a subtle flavoured oil. which captures the delicate notes of the exotic chillies, nutty oil and elegant spices.

Win a years supply of Chillish®!

Win a years supply of Chillish®!

Pollyanna Donates Jars of Chillish®

Pollyanna Donates Jars of Chillish®

Chillish® & Honey Glazed Christmas Ham

Chillish® & Honey Glazed Christmas Ham

This is a beautiful version of the traditional festive ham. The Chillish® adds a wonderfully rich kick whilst the honey adds sweetness. It really is a dreamy marriage of flavors …and makes a nice change!

This recipe serves 6-8.


9lb/4kg Gammon
2 pints of cider
2 pints of apple juice
A few good twists of black pepper
2 bay leaves
Handful of cloves
4 tbsp Chillish® Gubbins
5 tbsp runny honey
30g light brown sugar
1tbsp English mustard
Pineapple rings (optional)


  • In a large pan, add the gammon, cider, apple juice, black pepper and bay leaves.
  • Bring to the boil, then turn down the heat to a simmer and continue to cook for a further 20 minutes per 1lb/450g, until cooked.
  • Take the pan off the heat and preheat the oven to 180C/350F/Gas 4. Remove the ham onto a chopping board and using a knife, carefully remove the outer layer of fat. Aim to leave 3-4 mm of fat.
  • Using a sharp knife, score the fat into a diamond pattern and stud the ham with the cloves. Line a roasting tin with foil and transfer the ham.
  • In a bowl, mix together the Chillish® Gubbins, runny honey, brown sugar and mustard. Cover the ham entirely.
  • Add the pineapple rings (if using) and cook for 20-25 minutes, until golden.

Tip – You can make this up to two days ahead, make sure to cool, wrap in foil and chill.
Tip – For an indescribably delicious sandwich filling, shred a large slice of the ham, add 2 tbsp of mayonnaise, 1 tbsp of Chillish® Gubbins and some chopped gherkins (or piccalilli!)

Chillish® and Sage Sausage Rolls

Chillish® and Sage Sausage Rolls

These are wonderful. Make a batch and take them on a picnic, or simply serve them at a drinks party.


320g ready rolled pastry
400g best quality sausage meat
3 tbsp Chillish® Gubbins (very well drained)
2 tbsp plain flour (plus extra for dusting)
1 beaten egg (to glaze)


  • Preheat the oven to 220C/425F/ Gas 7
  • In a bowl, mix together the sausage meat, Chillish® Gubbins and flour.
  • On a floured surface, unroll the pastry and cut it down the middle (lengthways).
  • Divide the sausage mixture into two, and roll each half into a long sausage shape – the same length as the pastry.
  • Place the long sausages on each strip of pastry. Carefully roll the pastry over the sausage, sealing it with a light coating of beaten egg.
  • With a sharp knife, cut the sausage rolls to your desired size. Pat them down slightly, then gently cut some fine lines into the top of each roll and lightly coat with beaten egg.
  • Place on a Parchment-lined oven tray (seam-side down) and bake on the top shelf for 25-30 minutes, or until they are golden and cooked through.

Note - The consistency of the sausage mix will depend on how well drained the Chillish® Gubbins is. If it gets too sticky, add more flour.
Idea – After adding the egg coating, try sprinkling some sesame seeds or Herbs de Provence, for an added touch of elegance.


Pollyanna's Kitchen will be at the HORSHAM MEDIAEVAL CHRISTMAS MARKET this weekend!

Pollyanna's Kitchen will be at the HORSHAM MEDIAEVAL CHRISTMAS MARKET this weekend!

We look forward to seeing you all!

**THE ULTIMATE CHRISTMAS GIFT* Our Limited Edition Christmas Jars are available now!

**THE ULTIMATE CHRISTMAS GIFT* Our Limited Edition Christmas Jars are available now!

If you are looking for the perfect gift this year, look no further. Our beautiful new Christmas edition jars come with a Silver Plated/Enamel Christmas themed charm (there are six in total). Anyone need to fill a stocking?!

Beef Casserole With Chillish® and Parsley Dumplings

Beef Casserole With Chillish® and Parsley Dumplings

This is delicious!

A heartwarming traditional casserole with a twist. A beautifully subtle kick that in my opinion, every casserole is screaming for. This is a ‘go’to’ recipe for every occasion and would make a superb Christmas eve meal for a large group.

If you want to really impress, add a sprinkling of gold leaf to the dumplings seconds before serving!

This recipe serves approximately 5 people.

2 - 3 tbsp Chillish® oil
1kg braising beef cut into large cubes
6 Shallots (finely diced)
3 carrots (cut into strips)
2 handfuls button mushrooms (halved)
1 heaped tbsp. flour
Bottle of ale (500ml)
4 tbsp. Worcester sauce
2 tbsp Onion Chutney
100 ml beef stock
2 bay leaves
salt and pepper

For the dumplings
180g self raising flour
80g Suet (shredded)
3tbsp Chillish® Gubbins
3tbsps chopped fresh parsley


  • Preheat the oven to 160C/140C Fan/Gas 3
  • Heat 2 tbsp of Chillish® oil in a large casserole dish. When hot, add the beef in batches and brown all over. Once browned, remove from the pan and set aside.
  • Turn down the heat and add another tbsp. of Chillish® oil. Add the finely chopped shallots, carrots and mushrooms. Fry gently for 10 minutes.
  • Add the beef, stir in the Worcester sauce, caramelized onion chutney and bay leaves Add the flour to the mix and stir in so as to absorb the juices. Add the Ale and beef stock and bring to the boil.
  • After 2 minutes reduce the heat and simmer for 2.5 hours with the lid on.
  • Meanwhile, it is time to make the dumplings!
  • Grab yourself a large bowl and add the flour, suet, Chillish®, salt and pepper. Mix in 150ml/5fl water and stir to make a sticky, gooey dough, Knead until smooth.
  • Wrap the dumplings in Clingfilm and chill for 1 hour.
  • When the casserole is ready, remove the lid and turn the temperature up to 220c/200fFan/Gas7. Sink the dumplings into the casserole and return to the oven for 30 minutes.
  • When the dumplings are golden and slightly hardened, you’re ready to go!
  • Sprinkle the whole dish with the chopped Parsley before serving. If you’re feeling flush, you can throw some gold leave over the top too.
  • Serve immediately with brown rice or mashed King Edward potatoes.


Chillish® Licensed to Thrill! Article by Rosemary and Pork Belly (

Chillish® Licensed to Thrill! Article by Rosemary and Pork Belly (

It was an absolute pleasure to meet with Rosemary and Pork Belly. Here is their fantastic article!

A sizzling pan and the aroma of fresh veggies, noodles and spices fills the air. Pollyanna Hutchinson is rustling up a quick dish in her West Sussex home to show us her latest development – an extraordinary, subtle-flavoured chilli oil with a multitude of uses.

“I call it my 3-in-1 oil. It works equally well as a dip, an oil to start off the cooking process for a main dish or as a full on cook-in sauce. It’s so versatile. I even stir it into mashed potato – Mmmm, so delicious you can eat it by the spoonful!”

We were offered a jar of Chillish® to try and were initially a bit sceptical. There are simply hundreds of chilli infused oils on the market and, frankly, it’s pretty straightforward to make your own. But Chillish® is definitely different – the packaging is very pretty, the jar a most attractive shape and Pollyanna, who hand labels and finishes every one, gives them little design twists for different seasons – Halloween, Christmas and so on.

But it’s what’s inside the jar that really matters. The good news is Chillish® is suitable for vegetarians and vegans. It’s also free of any added thickeners or preservatives.

“I spent a long time deciding on the right carrier oil. I knew I wanted it to be rapeseed and produced locally here in West Sussex but I tried a lot of different types before finally selecting the best one for both flavour and colour. Then it was a case of trial and error, testing out different types of chilli and getting exactly the right blend of other ingredients like garlic, ginger and shallots.”

And that’s what sets Chillish® apart. Most infused oils are strained and left as just oil. Pollyanna keeps what she calls “the gubbins” in each jar, adding a depth of flavour and a very different texture.

Back at the pan Pollyanna has used the oil from the top of the jar to start off the dish but, having judged Pork Belly’s predilection for more intense flavours, has stirred in some of the gubbins as well.

“I didn’t want to make a chilli oil that was overpowering. Some chillis just give a blast of heat. Others get stronger and stronger as they are stored and I wanted the other flavours to come through.”

It’s that delicate blend that worked for me. We’ve written before of Pork Belly’s love of chilli and how he can take a far more powerful hit than I, but we both agree it shouldn’t be a “blow your socks off” experience. Whilst he’s happy to eat Chillish® by the spoonful and use it as a dip or as an accompaniment to cheese, I prefer to use it more sparingly, to add a bit of oomph to stir fries without the need for a thick and gloopy cook-in sauce. We also tried it on home-made oven baked potato wedges – toss the spuds in a tablespoon of Chillish® before baking – fabulous!

Pollyanna says she hates the thought of people eating bland food. She remembers experiencing chilli oil for the first time as a child in a pizza restaurant and being intrigued. Later she travelled to Hong Kong and saw how chilli dipping oils were an integral part of their cuisine. So it’s no surprise that now, many years later, she’s back where her heart lies – in the kitchen.

She spent more than a year developing the idea – a culmination of her career working in catering, hospitality, PR and media (she was the Canderel Chef) and her business studies.

“Many nights I was up until about 2 am making different combinations and trying them out on family and friends. I wanted to make it in small batches for that home-made taste. Once I’d perfected the recipe and was ready to go into production I couldn’t do it at home any longer as its so labour intensive to produce, but I am very happy that the company I use has kept the full “home-grown” flavour and I’m proud of the result.”

Launched officially at this year’s Chilli Fiesta at West Dean Gardens, Chillish® is now stocked in a number of farm shops and delicatessens in West Sussex, The Spice Shop in Brighton and as far north as Musselburgh in Scotland. You can also buy directly online.

By this time Pollyanna’s quick prawn and noodle dish is ready – piping hot and served straight from pan, to bowl, to mouth. And she’s genuinely pleased at Pork Belly’s reaction.

“I’ve always, always loved food. From a very young age cooking was my hobby and I still love entertaining and dinner parties. All through my life, doing all those different things, I always came back to the kitchen as my kind of therapy, cooking for friends and family.”

Finally it wouldn’t be true to Pork Belly’s tradition if he didn’t at least try to use Chillish® in a cake! I am happy to report that his chilli, chocolate and ginger brownies are gloriously gooey and perfect for Halloween – darkly delicious with a pure heart. It’s vegan too.

Have a read here!

Tickle your tastebuds with Chillish® chilli oil

West Sussex County Times - Win a year's supply of Chillish®!

West Sussex County Times - Win a year's supply of Chillish®!

Who'd like to win a year's supply of Chillish - 12 jars worth! You could by entering the competition in this week's West Sussex County Times! Get your entries in quick and you'll be in it to win it! You'll also have a copy of my recipe for Ghoulish Chillish Sticky Ribs with Honey and Sesame - perfect for these wintery evenings.

Good Luck!